Monday, January 11, 2010

cider, junk shopping and friends = a good weekend

This weekend I learned that I love hot apple cider. I also learned that when I get out of my television room and spend time with friends, I have a better quality of life.

Weekends over the past year have become (for the most part) catch up days. We were always trying to recoup from the previous week and rest up for the next all while cramming in some cleaning and church. But this past weekend, we had tons of cleaning to do for some guests (most of which did not get done) and various parties and events to attend.

We spent Friday evening with some of my co-workers at DNA Galleries checking out the artwork of one of their husbands, Nic. His art should be up there for awhile, you should run by and check it out. While you are there pick up their new awesome screen printed Oklahoma t-shirts. And for good measure, you can always stop in at Collected Thread and drop some cash on local art and clothes. We also stopped by Cafe Evoke (which is a must for my husband) and chatted up some of his "free coffee Monday friends".

Saturday was spent running errands for our kitchen re-model, grocery shopping, a good long nap and bowling with 24 of our friends in Edmond as a goodbye party for friends. Chris & Lacie are moving to Texas since Chris was offered a job in Dallas and Chesapeake graciously allowed Lacie to transfer to their Ft. Worth office. We're really going to miss them as they're one of the last few "childless" couples in our church class that we hang out with (not that couples with children are any less our friends...just get what I'm saying here). Our number is dwindling quickly so the more we move off or start having kids, the ovaries of every other childless girl in our class start to shriek. Ok, enough about that.

We went to Starbucks afterwards with about half of the group and spent the night laughing about "sexting" and various other things that were probably inappropriate. I failed to take my camera to Nic's show, bowling or Starbucks (which is awful of me, I know, I know) so the only photos I have are from other people's cameras and iPhones. I'll get better about the camera, I promise.

Sunday we had church, which seems to be a struggle for me to attend lately. I'm lazy. LAZY. Did you see that? All capital letters which just goes to show how lazy I really am. I would rather sleep than get dressed up to drive 20 minutes north for church. That's what I've been telling myself lately on Sunday mornings as I lay in bed until the last possible moment. But then I get up, get showered and dressed and by the time I am walking out the front door, I'm excited. I love church. I love our class and our friends and singing and worshiping. Our preacher gave a sermon about fellowshipping (among other things) and how it is good for us and our relationship with God and it gave me time to reflect on the things we had done over the weekend and how good I felt about our life here in Oklahoma City.

We ended the weekend with dinner at Panda Express (which made the weigh-in this morning a bit of a bear) with the Klutts and the Frasers in Edmond where I got to talk my head off about my kitchen and my love-hate relationship with IKEA.

So, I love our friends.

And the hot apple cider? I had two cups of it at my favorite antique shop while looking for something unique to hang on a blank wall in our kitchen and was reminded of how delicious it was. I also had three of these this weekend (everywhere we went). I think I might be hooked.

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