Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"So long sweet summer, I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays."

Today is officially the first day of fall which means I need a pair of these:
Hello gorgeous. It also means that I am dying my hair back to my natural color, so it will be fake "real" for a while but will be my natural dark, fall and winter hair color. Oh and I'm getting a new pair of glasses and I am debating between a brown frame and a tortoise shell frame and I'm extremely giddy about it. Oh fall, how I love you.

Although it is still in the 80's here in Oklahoma City and will feel like summer for probably another few weeks, the calendars/meteorologists say it's now fall and therefore I am celebrating.

But for as much as I love fall every time it comes around, I am terribly sorry to see this summer go. This is the summer that we made major progress on our house, that we celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary, found out we were having a baby and a baby girl at that.

Some old school Dashboard Confessional came up on my Pandora station this morning and Age Six Racer made my morning (and this blog post):

"So long sweet summer, I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays.
So long sweet slumber. I fell into you, now you're gracefully falling away.

Hey thanks, thanks for that summer. It is cold where your going, I hope that your hearts always warm. I gave you the best, gave you the best that I had. You passed on my letters & passed on the best that I had."

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