Monday, May 3, 2010

jr. high humor

Saturday night I started having some elbow pain so I threw my heating pad on and went to bed which turned out to be the worst idea I had ever had. It was joint paint, not muscle pain and I only made the whole situation worse with the heat. About 20 minutes after heating it, my forearm and hand started to burn and hurt just as badly as my elbow. It was horrible. I finally woke Paul up at 12:30 and made him go to the 24 hour pharmacy with me so that we could get something to make the pain stop.

I'd never had pain like this before so I was googling it on my trusty phone in the car on the way there when I ran across this:

Oh, you read that right. I get that it's talking about tennis balls but at 1:00 in the morning, that was pretty much the funniest thing I had ever read. We giggled like junior high boys for quite a while. The highlighting was added by yours truly in photoshop, ya know for an added effect. I want to know who at was in charge of proof reading that page.

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