Wednesday, March 17, 2010

did you know months could have personalized tag lines?

I hate to start posts with "sorry for my lack of posting" but I mean it. I really am sorry. I want to write, it's just been the most insane month of my life. That should be the tag line for the remainder of the month.
March 2010 - Christa's most insane month EVER.

So, so, so, so much is going on with us! I started a new project at work. Since I have started here, I have only been on the one project (since I graduated college!) and starting something new was not only terrifying but overwhelming. I took over this project for a co-worker who is now out on maternity leave so it was a bit stressful getting all the necessary information exchanged prior to her leaving. But I think I've got a grasp on it and now I am just charging ahead trying to keep my head above water for the next four deadlines (all falling before the middle of April of course).

We also had a hiccup with our kitchen remodel. Everyone told me we would...and I just rolled my eyes thinking..."I know, I know" but I didn't quite expect it to be something so irritating. We ordered our kitchen cabinets on the 27th of January and expected them to arrive 4-5 weeks later. The latest they should have been here was March 3rd and should have been installing shortly after. Well some miscommunication occurred on our procurer's part and the cabinets did not get confirmed with the company. We had to reorder them - the week of March 3rd - which means they won't be here until we get back from our trip. Our cabinet lady was really great and apologized and offered us free demo for the remainder of our existing cabinets.
I quickly took her up on that deal since I knew it would take Paul and I several hours to complete and with our trip falling in the middle of everything, finding time was going to be out of the question. So three men showed up at my house this morning at 7:30 am to start demolition. At 7:50 they were in their truck and leaving my house. Demo complete. We now have some cleanup to complete and tons of other little items before we leave so that the kitchen is prepped and ready for new cabinets when we return! Until then, we will be eating Lean Cuisines and cereal out of plastic bowls with plastic utensils.

We've also decided to paint our dining room, put new window coverings in the office and have our wood floors refinished. We've still got a long way to go.

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