Saturday, September 26, 2009

She's making vintage fabulous.

What an absolutely beautiful day! I love the beginning of fall in Oklahoma, it's like what summer should be (and probably is everywhere else up North). This weekend was reserved for deep cleaning the house and doing laundry in preparation for our trip. So far we have done nothing of the sort.

Last night we spent the evening at The Wedge eating delicious pizza with Keith, Meagan and Zach and playing poker at our house late into the night. I also stopped by a new store that one of my co-workers had heard about, Mister Rabbit.

A lot of the vintage stores here in Oklahoma City FEEL old. Mister Rabbit is in a gorgeous little old house next to Cuppies and Joe and has some of the best vintage furniture and clothes and it doesn't feel like you are "antiquing". The owner, Keri, was so friendly and I hope her store thrives down here! This is Keri by the way, modeling one of the awesome headbands she sells. (And check out that fabulous turquoise wall. The girl has style.)

I can't wait to go back to pick up some of the things I saw! Like the yellow Lacoste cardigan on the model by the front door...I may be going back sooner than I thought! All of the photos came from Mister Rabbit's Facebook page with permission from Keri. Please stop by her store and check out her great stuff, but not the sweater I want. You can't have that.

I attended a tea-party baby shower for a college friend today. Her baby was born 6 weeks early and is one of the most precious little baby girls I have ever seen. Mandy even painted her little finger nails for the occasion.

The Alice & Wonderland image just seemed appropriate since we were talking about vintage things earlier. Makes me smile too.

Now I am listening to Paul try and fix our broken, thumping dryer. That's one of the reasons laundry isn't being done and I'm getting a bit antsy because doing laundry means we're leaving soon! We're spending the afternoon at Mesta Festa (our neighborhood's large block party that happens every year at our park) where I plan to eat a fabulous taco and then hopefully were going to the zoo tonight. Maybe I can convince a giraffe to come close and then I can pet it and knock it off the list. Keep your fingers crossed, mine will be!


Judy said...

"Where" is the store?????

Christa said...

Judy - Sorry about the address being left off! After I posted the entry I realized I didn't include it in the text but knew I had the website linked and was just too lazy to go back and add it. Here it is...

2411 North Guernsey Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103

It is a small street in between Cuppies & Joe and Lotus Acupuncture (North side of 23rd Street). I hope you like it!