Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Dip = a fabulous Friday night.

I wrote an awesome post today and I am sorry that I cannot share it yet. I must wait, I must. But when it comes, you will laugh. I laughed, re-read it and laughed again.

Tomorrow is going to be busy so we are laying low tonight. Laying low right now includes vegging on the couch watching Family Guy (don't judge me) and eating the Fun Dip I bought at the grocery store (yet again, do not judge). I might as well be ten years old again, except for the Family Guy part, I'm pretty sure my parents would have had some problems with me watching this show at that age.

Some things to leave you with since this is a sort of a boring post:

Tomorrow I get a prescription for contacts again. Hallelujah. I'm sorry that wasn't quite powerful enough. HALLELUJAH. These last two weeks with my glasses have gotten easier but I still think it was a miserable way to spend two weeks. Glasses. I'm sorry for all of you out there that don't like contacts or can't wear them. I promise to take them out every night and do all the things I am supposed to up until I can get my Lasik surgery. I promise, I promise, I promise.

After I get my eyes back we are going to go watch an early showing of the new Harry Potter movie. I'm pretty stoked as I have been a HP fan for awhile now and have heard great things about the movie. I got even more excited after visiting one of my favorite blogs by Heather Bailey. She is a great fabric designer, she takes awesome photos and makes some of the most creative things, including a Harry Potter classic, Butterbeer. Check out her super cute drink and broomsticks below.

Seriously, every time I look at that photo it makes me smile. I love creative people.

We're also going to dinner with some friends tomorrow night at a Latin restaurant, 1492, that is right down the street from our house before going to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat together. I love doubles.

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