Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bri, Jenn and Ava come to visit!

This past weekend Paul's brother Brian, his wife Jenn and their 14 month old daughter came to visit us in Oklahoma City for the first time.

Paul's five years older than Brian and was off to college by the time Brian was able to really hang out and do things. By the time Brian started college, Paul was off to grad school and then moved to OKC shortly after graduating. They have a lot in common, they're good friends but we've never just hung out for long periods of time together, until this weekend.

We had such a good time hanging around our house, driving them around to a couple of "must sees" and "must eats" and playing with our niece. We sat on the porch and blew bubbles, played puzzles and sang songs and danced. You basically can't get any more adorable than this:

I took this right after I downloaded "InstaGram" onto my phone and I feel like I need to print it out and write a caption on the back like my grandma used to do. "Ava, 14 months, Paul & Christa's porch, October 2010". I'm a little obsessed with that app now so if all my pictures look straight out of the 70's for awhile, you will know why.

It was weird having a baby around the house but we loved it. It was a good way for Paul and I to see what our house is going to look like, what we're going to have to move to higher shelves, what must go and what we are willing to let get slobbered on.

They left this morning and I'm a little sad to go home tonight and not see them and have dinner with them.

We only have a few months before we're in the mitten of Michigan again so it's not the last time we'll see them in years, but still.

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