Friday, June 11, 2010

momma lovin'

A few nights ago, Paul and I were talking during the commercials of one of our favorite shows and somehow we got on the subject of people who want better for their kids than what they had or grew up with.

We both sat there for a second when I said, "I don't want better for our kids than what we had. We both had really great lives growing up (and we still do) with great parents and I want to strive to provide an equal experience for our kids and if it is better than what we had, lucky them."

Today I got this email from my mom:
We get emails, cards and phone calls all the time from our parents that say things like this.

That's what I want for our kids and I hate that there are people out there that don't have that already themselves but I'm glad they want to give it to their kids too.

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