Thursday, May 20, 2010

saving the important stuff

The weather in Oklahoma leaves plenty of room for improvement. It's either 10 degrees outside or 108. It's either icing over or we have tornados. We can't seem to find a happy balance, ever. The last 10 days around here have been full of tornados, thunderstorms and freak hail showers (I say freak, because Sunday was a gorgeous day until out of nowhere balls of ice covered the metro making it look like snow was covering the ground).
(this wasn't taken yesterday, but a few months ago from Paul's parking garage downtown)

Yesterday the metro was at a high risk for severe weather so before I left for work, I grabbed a pair of socks and my tennis shoes. I thought to myself while I was brushing my teeth, "If I have to come back to a completely demolished house and I have to sift through the wreckage, I am not doing it in heels." I also thought about what we consider to be our "safe spot" in the house (though I am debating that title as I don't feel like our house is in anyway shape or form going to do well if it gets hit). I thought about throwing a couple of things in the hall closet (our so called safe spot) that couldn't be replaced like our wedding photos, our external drive full of digital photos, etc. I didn't get around to it before I left for the day but as I was sitting at my desk, checking our weather station's website, I pictured our house getting blown over and the only thing surviving the ravaging winds to be the hall closet. Which would not be holding our wedding album or digital photos but rather 30 jackets/coats/sweaters, scarves and gloves, a suitcase, our wedding cake topper, a swiffer, our vacuum and SpotBot, a step stool, cat food and Paul's high school awards. Oh and let's not forget our graduation caps.

Yep, that's what would be spared from the tornado and what we would have to start our lives over with if that closet were to survive. Luckily, the downtown metro didn't get anything at all. In fact, it was sunny and warm all evening.

So the graduation caps are safe for now, just in case you were worried.

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