Friday, February 26, 2010

aw jewelry, you never cease to amaze me

I hopped onto Etsy today just to take a sneak peak at what the handpicked items of the day were and the theme today was ruffles in reds, grays and blacks. I loved them all (pillows, bows, shirts, etc). So I followed the link of the seller that picked them and found, drum roll please, The Silver Dog. The chick has some serious vintage and bauble style going on.

I want this necklace. Really bad.

And while we're at it...why not the earings too?

I can't stop staring at either one of them! I'm sort of into this vintage/hippie/eclectic funk right now. I can't get enough of it. This weekend I plan to make some head way on projects around the house (which will include a couple of junk shopping trips). Hopefully there will be photos to share!

Happy Friday!

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