Friday, January 22, 2010

a wall full of books?! yes please.

So I am late to the bookcase party, when it comes to posting like I mentioned previously, but here are the shots I found a few days ago. There is just something about a full wall of shelving filled with books and photos that makes my heart melt.

About a year ago, Paul and I were at an estate sale a few blocks away from our house. They had an extra "living" space off of the front living room that had an entire wall of built-in white book shelves framing a double door that led out onto a deck on the side of the house. The room was completely empty and in a matter of moments I had (in my head) the shelves filled, the room wallpapered and furniture planned. The built-in cases surrounding our fireplace have been filled since the day we moved in but what I wouldnt give for another wall of them.

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