Saturday, November 14, 2009

budget buster

So a few months ago my friend Jodi wrote a post about spending only $500.00 a month on family and household needs. I thought she was nuts. I still think she is kind of nuts knowing that she has two children. I am all for budgets (especially after Paul and I bought Quicken) but $500.00 a month?! I don't even think Paul and I can do that.

Paul has always been good about keeping us on track but for the first time, we have seen a pie chart that shows us how much money we spend on things every month. I can't even begin to tell you how much we spend on food. It is ridiculous. I am embarrassed and it is going to have to stop. We started trying to do better last week and failed miserably (maybe it had something to do with having company) but we are starting over. Weekends are always tempting for us to eat out but seeing as I have been sick all day, we've only eaten at the house. And weekdays are tempting due to our laziness and exhaustion at the end of a work day but we aren't going to let that stop us for the rest of this month. Let's see what the remaining of November does to us and then December 1st we'll be forging ahead. I am excited!

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