Monday, September 7, 2009

Holland the hometown, not the Motherland.

This past weekend was one of those vacation/breaks that I needed. I mean needed. Friday morning we had breakfast at our favorite bakery and ran all around town seeing my brother-in-law's new office and meeting the baby and picking up t-shirts. It was such a "typical" start to the vacation, checking in with everyone first, but it was relaxing and it helped us to get the weekend moving. We shopped, we laid out in the sun, we laughed until it hurt over smores and watched the most amazing sunset over Lake Michigan on the boat. There were moments where I could have stopped time and sat right there forever. With that sunset, or at that fire, or even on that dock enjoying the sun and conversation. But time moved on, and here we are at home. Enjoying our time here. I love it here. It is so hard to describe why I love Holland so much but why I'm not ready to be there. It's hard to even describe Holland, MI to people who haven't been there and haven't been there during the "on" season. I love seeing our family and our friends and the local shopping is great and there is just this "community" feeling that resonates through everything that breathes in that area. So why do we shrug and shy-ly smile at the "when are you moving back to Holland" questions? Why is it so hard to know the answer to that question? I don't think we are ready to go back. I don't think I want to go back right now. We really do have a fabulous life in Oklahoma City. And it's sort of "our" thing. Maybe we won't go back. Maybe we will. We don't have a plan. I like that there is no plan. Lets see how long we can go without a plan, shall we? 

PS - the Motherland is 25 days away.

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