Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vacationing in the Dominican

We just spent 8 days in the Dominican Republic and I am now sporting some sun that will (keep your fingers crossed) turn into a tan.
The DR would not have been my first choice for a trip as Paul and I are not "sitters" and we do not like heat. But this trip was planned and coordinated by my in-laws to celebrate their 35th anniversary and we were thrilled to go with them. Where we stayed was beautiful and the towns we drove through to get there reminded me so much of Monterrey and Bonita Juarez, Mexico that it made my heart hurt a little. It was good for us to just sit. Because we don't typically do that, our vacations are never vacations. They are jammed pack with things to see and do and we are always exhausted. Not this time though. We sat and read, we swam, we slept, we ate and then we repeated every day.
Overall it was a good trip. Paul and I had a major life change occur while we were gone and I learned to love him more as my husband and friend than I have ever loved him before. More to come on this later, but there is still no doubt in my mind that I married the perfect person for me. We both grew and changed and brought home more love than we left with. I am so thankful for him and his family and need to remind myself everyday how blessed I am.

Check out our Flickr set for the rest of our photos from our trip!

List update: This adds to my #46!

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