Saturday, July 11, 2009

My One Hundred

So after reading my good friend Jodi's blog and seeing all of the things she was already accomplishing, I knew I had to get this going. With some help from her list (which had great stuff as well as Mighty Girl's list) I have a list that I am excited about marking things off of. I'm also excited to keep a photo/record of all of it so I can see how much I have accomplished.

1. Get out of debt (cars, mortgage, etc).
2. Live somewhere new for 6 months to a year.
3. Visit a foreign farmer's market. Albert Cuyp Market, Amsterdam, Holland.
4. Get a master's degree.
5. Get to 139 pounds - for a total of 30 lost.
6. Cultivate a successful garden with Paul.
7. Tour 12 European countries.

(The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland)
8. Build a house.
9. Have a vacation home.
10. Drive all of Route 66 (maybe not all at the same time - but all of it)
11. Build our dream kitchen.
12. Learn to take amazing photos.
13. Take a two week road trip with no destination. One week there and one week back.
14. Grow old with Paul.
15. Learn how to dance.
16. Have children.
17. Learn to speak Dutch.
18. Write a "publish worthy" journal.
19. Buy a bottle of Crystal in celebration of something.
20. Do a home renovation project on my own - no help from Paul.
21. See the Northern Lights.
22. Visit all 50 states (To Do: Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Louisiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Hawaii, Alaska, South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine)
(Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, California, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, West Virgina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida)
23. Run a 5k race.
24. Bake an old fashion fruit pie with a modern twist.
25. Cook an entire Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner.
26. Go on an African Safari.
27. Spin a globe and where ever our fingers stop it – buy tickets within the hour for a flight to that location.
28. See the Eiffel tower.
29. See the leaning tower of Pisa.
30. Reupholster a piece of furniture.
31. Jeep through an unusual terrain – dunes or the jungle, either one.
32. Order a dirty martini with 3 olives in a hotel bar in NYC wearing a swanky black dress.
33. Hang a huge United States highway map and draw all of the road trips we have taken in Sharpie.
34. Hang a huge world map and put pins on all of the places that we have been.
35. Go to a University of Michigan football game.
36. Go to an event at the summer Olympics.
37. Vacation on a yacht.
38. Go backstage after a concert.
39. Go to Canada.
40. Ride a horse again.
41. Go on a cruise with Paul.
42. Try 50 new foods.

(1. Shellfish, 2. Barbacoa, 3. Pickled Apple Cabbage, 4. Bitter Lemon, 5. Bubble Tea 6. Sushi, 7. Plantains)
43. If I am ever overcome with emotion, let it go and cry freely.
44. Learn to enjoy the quiet.
45. Live in a downtown apartment or loft.
46. Take one vacation every year.

(2009: Europe, 2010: Dominican Republic)
47. Take my children to Disney World.
48. Take my faith to a more serious level, constantly grow in it.
49. Drive a Sea-Doo.
50. Walk my children to school.
51. Ride my bike more often, to restaurants, to places.
52. Pay for our children’s college tuitions.
53. See Gaudi’s work in Spain.
54. Go up in a hot air balloon.
55. See the Statue of Liberty.
56. Dance in the pouring rain.
57. Speak/teach a ladies class or high school girl’s class at a conference or at church.
58. See Stonehenge.
59. Visit the Library of Congress.
60. See the Mona Lisa.
61. Go to a drive in theater.
62. Go on a long train ride with Paul somewhere. (Munich, Germany to Amsterdam Holland October 09).
63. See a Broadway musical in NYC.
64. Pass the NCIDQ.
65. Watch a stage in the Tour de France. In France.
66. Ride the London Eye.
67. Use every wedding gift given to us (that we still have).
(food processor, marble slab ice cream kit)
68. Pet a giraffe.
69. Learn to play “Gracie” by Ben Folds on the piano.
70. Finish un-finished scrapbooks.
71. Leave a 100% tip for a really great waiter/waitress.
72. Spend a Saturday cooking meals to be frozen for the coming week.
73. Go on an old fashioned picnic, blanket, basket, pie and all.
74. Say “yes” when someone wants to go out and do something, as much as possible.
75. Say “no” when someone wants you to do something for them, but only sometimes.
76. Go to the Grand Canyon.
77. Stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island.
78. Ferry across Lake Michigan on the Badger.
79. Complete a large re-model project.
80. Throw a "sweets" party.
81. Go to a World Cup game.
82. See fireworks in Washington DC on July 4th.
83. Shake hands with a President.
84. Ride the ferris wheel at Navy Pier.
85. Take our children to the Nemacolin Woods resort in Pennsylvania.
86. Visit both Taliesin East and West.
87. Go to the Stratford Shakespeare Theater Festival.
88. See Niagara Falls.
89. Do a trash the dress shoot.
90. Recreate my favorite floral arrangements.
91. Go to a circus (as an adult).
92. Throw a formal dinner party.
93. Make 1000 lovely things.
(1. Cherry-berry pie, 2. Shoe bags for travel, 3. Spice Drawer Organization, 4. Mossy Monogram)
94. Teach a college class.
95. Sell a photo/piece of art.
96. Purchase art at the Arts Festival.
97. Have a design published somewhere.
98. Take a yoga class.
99. Stay in the Ice Hotel.
100. Drink lemonade on the front porch swi
ng on a warm (not hot) summer night with Paul.

Seriously, everyone needs a list - and everyone needs to get passionate about their list.

1 comment:

jodimichelle said...

LOVE it!
19 - yes! For some reason, I find myself day dreaming about when and where I'll be when I get this one knocked off my own list.
23 :) Very cool. Depending on where, I'll cheer you on! Or race with you, I did one after my dad died.
25. oooh, good one!
50 made my heart leap, so great.
80, we should do this soon and I say we because I want to be invited haha!
89 is such a great idea, too.

Love your list :)