Monday, June 28, 2010

Thoughts for today:

At 11:27 am the women in my office building all decide it’s time to run to the restroom. I hate waiting for a stall when I know there’s a bathroom on every floor, so I meandered to other floors to find I would have to wait in every one of them. That just took me back to my floor and my original restroom where I waited out the now longer line. Note to self: pee at 11:25.

I am tired. Yesterday, I slept through Paul waking up, taking a shower, getting dressed, having breakfast and apparently leaving for church. I woke up 20 minutes after he had left and lay in bed for another 30 before I crawled out of the room, only for a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. I could have done the same this morning if I knew I couldn't get fired for doing it. I was going to work through lunch, but I may go home and take a nap instead.

Catalog Living is funny. Read it.

I want to do this.

And this.

I need this upcoming three day holiday weekend like no one would believe. And the fact that I have to wait two months before I have another day off of work is a bit unnerving. I'm not used to this not traveling all the time and taking three day weekends thing. I can't figure out how people do it.

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