Friday, January 29, 2010

ashes, elephant skin, gray, silver, etc.

Right now, I am in love with the color gray (or grey if you prefer). My father would proceed to tell you that it isn't really a color (like brown) and I would have to balk at his crayola color prejudices.

Lately, I have been buying and obsessing over everything gray.

Before Christmas I bought a great gray cardigan from New York and Company with these flowers and glitzy buttons and that's when I think my obsession started.

Since then I have picked my swimsuit for the year:

And the bracelet I want to buy to go with it:

I painted our kitchen today...and could you guess the color?! That's right, gray. Ashes from Behr at Home Depot and it looks so great. I can't wait to show you pictures of the actual kitchen but am waiting for a more completed reveal.

One of my co-workers had on a nail polish called Commander In Chic by Sally Hansen that I plan to go buy tomorrow. It was a really great color!

I seem to go in phases for colors but right now, gray is it.

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